Build Up Your Skin’s Defence Against Brown Spots on Your Skin

Although discoloration on your skin is an annoying cosmetic problem, it can also signal damaged skin. In order to prevent and beat it, you have to strengthen your skin so that it can be healthier and clearer. Here are some important tips.

Throw Some Shade

The sun is not only dangerous because it can cause cancer, but it accelerates the rate at which skin ages. This is because UV rays destroy collagen, causing skin to sag and wrinkle. Sun exposure makes your skin old, but it also makes it look old by causing brown spots on your skin, such as in the form of dark patches or age spots (solar lentigines) that crop up on your face or body. When you are in the sun, your body creates more melanin so that skin can protect itself against the UV rays, and this is what produces that discoloration. Prevent it from getting worse or appearing at all by staying out of the sun.  

Prevent Vitamin Deficiencies

Not getting enough nutrients your body needs to be healthy can show up on your skin in the form of discoloration, which is why it has been said that those dark spots can actually be a sign of a deeper problem. Patches of discoloration have specifically been linked to a folic acid or amino acid deficiency. This is especially the case during pregnancy when your body requires more folic acid to be healthy - it’s like your skin warning you to top up on this crucial nutrient! By ensuring your diet is full of vitamins, you can keep discoloration at bay. The bonus is that many vitamins are also antioxidants, helping to prevent sun damage from striking.

Avoid Harsh Skin Products

When your skin is battling with an issue such as discoloration, you don’t want to irritate it as this can make the condition worse. A way in which you might create problems is by using skincare products that contain abrasive or chemical ingredients. These strip the skin and aggravate it. Make sure you avoid any products that make your skin burn or sting - this is a sign that they are too harsh. When using skin lightening products, choose natural ones that will care for your skin and help it regain its beauty rather than ones packed with chemicals that can do greater harm than good.

Skip Your Beauty Treatments

Some beauty procedures should also be placed on the backburner to prevent skin irritation or inflammation. They include:

  • Waxing. Skin experiences pain during the process and can become inflamed, which can also make your skin discoloration worse. It’s better to stick to shaving as this does not put skin under so much pressure.
  • Chemical peels. You might think they’re great to give you a brighter skin tone and banish pigmentation from the surface of your skin, but peels can cause irritation and redness. This can also take many days to completely heal. It’s a better idea to include exfoliation in a natural skin lightening cream so that you achieve the benefits of exfoliation without putting your skin at risk of inflammation. These creams contain glycolic acid and salicylic acid to exfoliate your skin and treat brown spots without being too tough on skin.

Don’t Ruin Your Healing Efforts!

Some products contain ingredients that make your skin more sensitive to the UV rays. An example is citrus extracts that can be found in a variety of skincare products, including some natural skin lightening creams. Although they’re great for boosting your skin’s nutrition and Vitamin C is a natural brightening ingredient, if you use these products and then spend time in the sun it can lead to a form of dermatitis that produces intense hyperpigmentation. You therefore need to be sure to look after your skin, such as by wearing sunscreen containing a high SPF number, to prevent sabotaging your goal to achieve healthier skin.

Strengthening your skin can help you to recover from, and prevent, skin issues such as discoloration. Follow these lifestyle and beauty tips to flaunt a stunning complexion.

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