The Age Spot Removal Tricks To Try This Summer

Summers are great, except for those annoying age spots that can rain on your parade. Although you might think they have to do with getting older, age spots are actually caused by sun exposure so they can strike at any age. Now that the weather is changing and warmer months are on the way, you’ll probably be more self conscious of the age spots exposed on your skin. Not to worry! Here is what you need to know about age spot removal techniques.

What's Up With Age Spots?

Age spots appear on the skin as small, flat brown or black spots. They will appear on areas of your body and face that are most often in the sun, so you're likely to see them on your cheeks, nose, arms and hands. Although they are most common in people older than 50, you can still get age spots when you're younger. They aren't related to age, but they can still make you feel old!

Prevention is the easiest way to keep your skin looking luminous and gorgeous, so minimize your time in the sun and make sure your skin is protected against the UV rays with a broad spectrum sunscreen. However, avoid chemical sunscreens that can irritate the skin, making your pigmentation darker! Opt for a sunscreen that contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide instead.

If you already have pigmentation on your skin and want to get rid of it fast, there are some quick age spot removal techniques.

Start Scrubbing Your Skin

Exfoliating your skin is important for many reasons. It eliminates dead skin that can leave your complexion looking dull and dry. It also gets rid of any pigmentation that accumulates in that surface of dead skin, so it's an important way to fight age spots. Successful exfoliating ingredients include glycolic acid (which is also used in chemical peels) and oats that are gentle as well as nourishing to your skin.

You can make your own exfoliating scrub really quickly with ingredients you already have at home. A quick and easy DIY exfoliating recipe is to mix together olive oil and sugar, then apply it to your skin and gently rub it in circular motions.The bonus of exfoliating is that you polish your skin so it can look more vibrant.

Book A Chemical Peel

If your age spots have been around for ages and they're stubborn, you might want to book a chemical peel. This is basically a more intense form of exfoliation that strips the surface layer of skin. What's great about chemical peels is that they also improve the skin’s collagen production so that it can look more youthful. A common chemical peel is AHA, which stands for Alpha Hydroxy Acids, and makes use of glycolic and lactic acids. It's the mildest kind of peel and helps to clear your skin of an uneven skin tone after a few treatments.

However, you need to be prepared for side-effects that are common with chemical peels and which can last for several days. These include redness and flakiness of the skin. There is also the risk of permanent scarring or skin discoloration. It's also good to know that if you have dark skin you should avoid chemical peels altogether as it can change your natural pigmentation.

Gentle Skincare Creams That Work To Clear Up Your Skin

If you have age spots, a skin-lightening cream can do wonders for you. It's a myth to think that you need chemical ingredients to treat your pigmented skin. In actual fact, these can harm your skin and health in general, plus they can make your pigmentation issues worse. You should use natural-based skin-lightening creams to remove age spots. Filled with natural and revitalizing melanin blockers such as kojic acid, green tea extract and Vitamin C, they treat your dark spots while caring for your skin so you can have a more lustrous complexion.

Age spots can be annoying to have to deal with, especially in the warmer months, but you can treat them in a variety of ways. It’s important to bear in mind that treating your skin with TLC is a vital part of age spot removal so that you banish them for good while allowing your natural beauty to shine through!

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